What is a Business Plan (BP)?
Description of the future of the business, explain the vision and mission, what and how (5W +1 H) business plan, with conditions, the potential, existing materials, focus, how to run a business and obtain the BEP.
What good BP?
To search for potential investors, capital loans from banks, the prospects for new business, relationships with suppliers, selling stock / share, the sense for business managers, the Annual Meeting of the company / Company yearly meeting, attracting core manager, "controlling tools" business trip are still in the corridor true.
Business Plan schemes are often used by MLM distributor, insurance agent, broker member properties, investment sales agent of a futures exchange, a similar agency system, it does not contain indications of money game schemes, social gathering chain, or pyramid schemes.
BP Component
Purpose - The purpose of the business, strategy pencapainya, problems faced and how to cope, organizational structure (position and responsibility), Capital financing, How to run a business to reach break even.
How to Create a Business Plan / Business Plan
The number of billionaires the world increased 199 people, mostly from China
Over the past year, the number of billionaires in the world increased 199 people. But none of them are able to defeat the position that Carlos Slim is the world's richest man by Forbes Magazine. Carlos managed to add U.S. $ 20.5 billion wealth.
There are 1210 billionaires who entered the Forbes list. The number of their combined wealth of U.S. $ 4.5 trillion, up U.S. $ 3.6 trillion compared to last year. U.S. $ 1.5 trillion of the total combined wealth of the billionaires come from the United States.
Publication Forbes said more than half a billionaire newcomers came from Brazil, Russia, India, and China. China alone accounted for 115 billionaires in which the richest are Robin Li with $ 9 billion of wealth.
Top list of richest people in the world still in the hands of Carlos Simon. A Mexican telecom entrepreneur who managed to increase his fortune to $ 74 billion. According to Forbes, the majority of its revenue comes from the largest telephone service provider in Latin America, America Movil.
Indonesian Internet User Profile
The survey, initiated APJII. As expected, more than half of Internet users to access from internet cafes (cafe). Although most netter Indonesia not to shop, what's wrong with investing for the next 10 years? Cyberspace age in Indonesia is not yet passed a decade.
The term cyber seemed to have only recently familiar sound in the ear of netter. However, the bustle and business relating to the Internet can certainly growing. Try and count the number of cafes popping up like mushrooms in the rainy season.
Not to mention the dotcom companies that had suddenly become a long list in our hands. Although the cyber world is crawling out, turned out in Indonesia there is no research and data on local internet users. In fact, should the market in the real world, the Internet also has become a lucrative opportunity.
Phrases such as local investment, the global profit rather than a mere opinion rag. Indeed such was the truth. No wonder that many investors were busy-crowded dive into the Internet hoping to follow the success Bill Gates. Similarly, in Indonesia. Despite the already long list of dotcom companies, apparently still many investors are hesitant entry into the dotcom market. Cause, yes it was, there is no research data and local Internet users. "So far we do not know how the profile of Internet users in Indonesia, also the condition of the internet industry here," says researcher Pacific Partners Prima, Ihsanuddin Usman. This ambiguity has made the investors to hold the steps to invest.
Learning to Love Something To Your Perfect Not Perfect
The desire to achieve perfection everyone's dream. Physically perfect, fortune, marriage, career, and others. The desire to make the perfect man to take multiple ways. Many succeed, not a few who actually away from perfection.
Perfection essentially there will never be before you learn to love something that is not perfect. The key word is LOVE and imperfections. Did you know you are born is not perfect (no power) and then become perfect as it is now (healthy and strong). Why? everything with love. Imagine if your parents are not given love, you've been strangled because it only gives pain.
Did you know, love is giving someone the power so that sometimes come out of will be healthy? Have you ever heard the words "it would be my ocean sebrangi"? though not necessarily he could swim. Love makes a person weak become strong, be diligent lazy, loser so brave, even ready to sacrifice lives. Love is the power ruaarrrr biasssaaa.
The King Business Online's Jeff Bezos Named
Who is not familiar with Jeffrey Preston Bezos or better known as Jeff Bezos at the moment? A wealthy businessman is famous thanks to the efforts he started Amazon.com. The online store has made making himself perched in a row the world's richest entrepreneurs. Thanks to hard work, passion, intelligence and perseverance to build business, Amazon.com has become an online-store-which supposedly the most complete worldwide.
Intelligence and perseverance man born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 12, 1964 has been seen since he was three years old. At that age, Jeff asked for regular bed instead of a bed in a crib.
But because it is not given regular bed so Jeff dismantle the crib with a screwdriver. In any school, the teachers find it difficult to stop Jeff from the task done. To move to the next task, they must move Jeff by lifting bench was occupied.
Guide to Make Business Proposal
In any business, whatever kind, necessarily involve the capital. This capital can we gather from personal savings, borrow from banks or other lending institutions, or a joint venture with a partner. If we intend to borrow to the bank or the lender, you certainly have to make a business proposal. This proposal will be used to provide comprehensive information about the business you want to run.
People usually think, a proposal must be difficult. Apparently not. "A good proposal is a proposal that can explain in detail a business. Not necessarily complicated. It could be a proposal consists of only one sheet of paper, "said Godo Tjahjono, SE, MSi, entrepreneurial business practitioners.
Not everyone knows or knows the business that so interests you. So make the explanations simple and easy to understand. Business proposal should contain the following seven things:
8 Precepts that Never Do In Business
Business failures in the middle of the road? That's really, ordinary. For, not always mean the business can be an immediate success, running smoothly, and smooth. Instead you should be able to learn from failure, so know where the mistakes.
Here are some tips from Fauziah Arsiyanti, SE. MM. Dip IFP, Personal Advisers from First Principal Financial Services Fiancial Singapore so there are no failures Dalan entrepreneurship:
1. Do not Owe.
In fact, owed or borrowed capital to the bank is not recommended, especially with security. If you can afford smoothly, would not be a problem. What if suddenly the effort failed and could not repay the loans? Even if have to borrow to the bank, you should have experienced, brave soul at risk, and good at budgeting. However, do not do that if just starting a business!
2. Do not expansion.
Do not be greedy to expand! If the initial capital only sewing machine and one employee, you should try with it first. If the orders have increased, and able to buy a new sewing machine, to expand slowly, and do not let the wrong strategy. Anticipate conditions of life that can suddenly change. Do not forget, prioritizing strengths.
8 Steps Early Retirement Without Loss
Situations that make you stressful job often makes you think for early retirement. You want more stay at home, work part time, or open a small business. His dream is, you can spend more time for family, and follow each child's achievement.
But, dare you make this decision? Though you crave early retirement at age 30 or 40 years, when you start it sent a letter of resignation?
Consideration to delay the early retirement generally is: Can I live without a fixed monthly salary? Because of that, decided to retire it means you are ready with solid financial support. Your business may have started to develop, but you still must have a back up if at any time things happen unwanted. Problem of child health and education are two of the many needs that you should consider when deciding to retire.
However, if someone else can, you certainly can. The key is planning. The sooner you plan it in detail, the more likely the dream is achieved. Sheryl Nance-Nash, author of a number of financial and business media such as The New York Times and magazines Your Company, revealed a number of steps towards early retirement.
How to succeed in business warnet
Dear Mr. Arif ... My residence in the area of campus. Currently I manage a cafe (internet cafes). However, because the competitors quite a lot, lately my internet cafe empty of visitors.
My question, how can I succeed at this internet cafe business?
Internet cafe business around campus is one business that I think is pretty prospect. With good management, Internet cafe business in the area of the campus can bring financial success.
A true cafe entrepreneur must be ready to face all possibilities of business. Business competition, in this case also must be ready to face an entrepreneur.
Based on my observations, Internet cafe business around campus now-rampant bloom again. In the area of Malang, almost every month there is always a new cafe that stands. You can imagine, what if an internet cafe business entrepreneurs are not ready to face the competition of business?
How to succeed in the Internet cafe business tips? Here are some tips from me:
Small and Medium Enterprises
Friends of Indonesian small and medium business owners,
How to use the Internet to develop your small business? Previously, I want menegaslkan how important the Internet for small and medium business of Indonesia.
Broadly speaking, with the Internet:
• Indonesia SME can expand its business network to the corners of the archipelago, or even the world
• Indonesian SMEs can promote the business and operations, with low cost but has a remarkable effectiveness.
• small business small and medium enterprises and Indonesia could expand its business, to get online partner
• small and medium businesses that Indonesia can enhance its credibility with the help of the Internet.
• and many more benefits of the Internet
How is the way small and medium businesses can develop the business and its business with the Internet? Here are tips-tricks:
Environmental Aspects of Business Companies
January 29th, 2009
Aspects of the business environment can be divided into two parts, the external business environment and external business environment. External business environment is further divided into two parts: the remote environment and industry environment, while it bisnisinternal environment can be divided into those aspects that exist within the enterprise such as human resources, operations, finance, marketing and brand.
Here will be described about the details of the aspects above.
1. Far enterprise environment consists of factors such as political factors, macro-economic and social conditions as well as the influence of technological development.
2. Environment Industry leading company more competitive aspect in which the company is located, that aspect consists of the threat of new entrants, competition among firms in the industry, the threat of the substitute products, bargaining power of buyers, Effect of Strength of other stakeholders,
Tips for Choosing The Right MLM Business
MLM business is a promising business, small capital but offers unlimited profit, especially if your friend invites you to show the results when it receives enough wow pretty sure you will lngsung tempted to want to run this business, but wait a lot of actors who take advantage of this MLM only for temporary profit by setting up bogus MLM therefore you must know tips for choosing the MLM in order not to be victims of fraud. Here I give tips.
1. Companies that you are interested to be incorporated in APLI and WFDSA these two institutions is an umbrella for the distributor of an MLM scam, if you're interested companies incorporated in the two bodies means it is a company that guaranteed keamananya to you can join.
MLM Business Opportunities And Business
Mlm or network marketing today has become a trend of business in Indonesian society. This trend occurs because there are so many layoffs since then MLM is a great alternative for Indonesian people to make ends meet. MLM is not a vehicle to get rich quick business, but it is a business vehicle is cheap and easy to become richer than running a conventional business, many are also pessimistic, saying that MLM is the business of selling dreams,although that the MLM business is growing like mushrooms fertile rainy season and continues to generate newly rich person each year.
You do not believe just look Trisulo Louis Tendean and frontman of Tianshi, Santoso Nyoto Kusumo from K-Link, Alex iw from CNI, Chintya venika from Oriflame and much more, can be said they are printing the newly rich through MLM business. Currently, a new print media continued to born as a business plus, success, motivation, leader and many more where these special print media published a news story about MLM. Media media serves to provide education for Indonesian society for jelly in choosing a MLM business and do not become victims of scams like this business since so many actors who exploit the name of the MLM to commit fraud.
Source : http://tambahtrafic.blogspot.com/2010/01/trend-peluang-bisnis-dan-usaha-mlm.html
World Top 50 Business Thinkers
Who are 50 influential business thinkers or expert in the world? CrainerDearlove, leadership consulting firm, compile a list of 50 influential business thinkers in the world. This list is the fifth edition. Who are they?
IN making this list, CrainerDearlove, 3500 has been to survey business people in the world to compile a list of 100 business thinkers. Furthermore, the panel set a list of top 50 world's top business thinkers.
Prahalad ranked first in this list successive editions since 2007. Because there are economic tragedy in 2008, no change singnifikan on the list.
A total of 13 thinkers first appeared on the list of 2009. Brands include economics Nobel laureate, Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and author of Banker to the Poor. He was ranked 6th.
The names are dropped from the list of these rankings, including Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, and former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan, who ranked third in 2007. In total there are 19 people who dropped from the top 50 business thinkers.
1. C.K. Prahalad
Country: India and the United States (U.S.)
Academics University of Michigan
In 2007, Rank 1
"Influence C.K. Prahalad really big in the business world, "said Dearlove December, making up the global ranking of business thinkers list by Stuart Crainer. "He invented the term 'core competencies' in the era of 1990, where he set the agenda for a generation of business management strategies. Her latest book entitled The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid have demonstrated the role of business in overcoming poverty in the world. "
How To Start Online Business
There are various ways to start a business online. The way this business depends on their respective arts. That is the way business is not necessarily the same person with another person. But although the different ways the application of business, especially how to do business online, it helps us to know the ways or the basic steps in starting a business. Need I say that way of doing business especially an online business requires a mindset that never give up, focus and must Practice, Practice, Practice.
Here is an outline of how to start an online business that you need to practice:
China Business Know How
Posted by: algooth Putranto on: May 27, 2008
• In: book review
• Comment!
Title: The Chinese Tao of Business
Secrets of Success and Excellence Chinese Entrepreneur Business Strategy
Author: George T. Haley, Usha CV Haley and Chin Tiong Tan
Issue: PT Mizan Publika, February 2008
Thickness: 434 pages
For me a book on Taoist philosophy of this style of business was attractive after devouring a la Sun Tzu strategy of war. Understand it is the adherents of the teachings of Sun Tzu's Tao which focuses on the principle of balance of Yin and Yang.
The founder of Taoism was Lao Tsu (born 604 BCE) and then proceed 'Chuang Tzu'. The teachings of Taoism can be found in the book Tao of Tea Ching,, Chuang-Tzu, Huai-nan-tzu and Lieh-tzu.
Trio author George T. Haley, Usha CV Haley and Chin Tiong Tan tried to peek secrets of business success of Chinese entrepreneurs are found to be reliable thanks to the principle balance.
But the author did not direct the third dive on the principle of Tao and instead invites the reader an adventure in the minds of Chinese such as Confucius, Lao Tsu, Meng-tzu, Mo Tzu, Yang Chu until Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.
The essence of Taoism penjejahan is based on the principle of natural, harmonious and consistent follow the nature of nature. This teaching is growing and becoming one with life and culture that influence the mindset of Chinese, traditional Chinese arts and sciences.
How to register / create a Paypal account
Now anyone in Indonesia could easily accept online payments using paypal facility. Where Paypal as one of the payment gateway (online payee who is quite famous and known in the online world)
The advantage of using paypal is
* FREE Registration - Register now click here
* It is used by 150 million people in the world, from 190 countries
* Accepting online payments with credit cards visa, master, discover, Amex
* More secure us when making online payments using paypal, credit card information because we do not need we provide when we want to buy something on the internet
* Because of the many internet marketers who use paypal to transfer the affiliate commission, then to have paypal, open many opportunities for you to earn commissions
Requirements can register on paypal is having a credit card with the logo of Visa / Master for verification. However, if you do not have a credit card, please use the VCC / Virtual Credit Card which you can get by clicking here.
Is it safe to use VCC? Answer me, depending on where you buy VCC! If you buy at the VCC-Indonesia is of course 100% guaranteed safe, fast and easy. Even paypal verification at VCC-Indonesia is highly recommended by the magazine Komputek. Magazine Komputek August 3, 2009 edition contains about paypal problem and in that article recommends paypal verification at VCC-Indonesia.
How to register a paypal account
10 Ways For Retail Business For Success
Ready or not, retailers in Indonesia would face such fierce competition. Especially with the rise of foreign retailers in Indonesia, which have brand power and filthy lucre that "infinite". Therefore retail in Indonesia need to be aware of or understand the various trends that will occur in the retail world in the future. Here are 10 things that could determine the future of retail.
1. Promotion price should
Every retail, both small and large retail or retail for under or premium segment. Everything can not be separated from the promotional price. This strategy seemed to have become generic strategy. Similarly, drugs that offer efficacy of this strategy can not serve as a unique strategy. However, this strategy also can not be abandoned.
Now the choice is when the price promotion program was conducted and what creativity can be developed. Some retailers create a premium brand by offering a massive discount program at night. Midnight Sale this program was greeted enthusiastically and seemed to start a plague in the capital.
Creativity in promotional pricing is also not always in the form of discounts. Promotion prices can also be done in the form of cash back or buy one get two. But whatever creativity is done, retailers in the future will not be able to leave the program just like that price promotions.
2. Selling experience is more important
Items sold are the main attraction for consumers to come to retail. However, do not dwell on the product without presenting a unique experience for consumers. The more an attraction for consumers to come to Bread Talk or Jco not shredded or donuts bread almond flavor, but the experience of the brand itself.
11 Secrets to Start a Business Without Money
- Capital: What You Have
At this point, the author tells his personal experience while still in school. At that time, her grandmother told her to sell kedondong in school. After a full day to sell at rest, only two of his friends who buy them. After the bell to go home, he turn the brain how to kedondong was exhausted. Later, he was furious at the seller can be exchanged kedondongnya salad for salad. These events taught him to always be able to read opportunities.
- KTP capital
Masfuk, a Bachelor of Law UNAIR started his business with a capital of ID cards. He went to Jepara to where Mr. Rohim, owner monel maker industry. He asked Mr. Rohim give monel goods worth USD $ 350,000.00 with a warranty ID card. He then rented a place in the supermarket with a payment behind. Their business has grown and has now reached a turnover of Rp 5.5 billion.
- Other People's Money capital
You have a good business idea, but do not have the capital, you still can start a business with capital cooperation. If you have a friend or close relation who believe in you, you can convince them to get capital support. The more you involve them, the greater their confidence, which means that the greater the capital to be invested in your business.