Indonesian Internet User Profile

The survey, initiated APJII. As expected, more than half of Internet users to access from internet cafes (cafe). Although most netter Indonesia not to shop, what's wrong with investing for the next 10 years? Cyberspace age in Indonesia is not yet passed a decade.

The term cyber seemed to have only recently familiar sound in the ear of netter. However, the bustle and business relating to the Internet can certainly growing. Try and count the number of cafes popping up like mushrooms in the rainy season.

Not to mention the dotcom companies that had suddenly become a long list in our hands. Although the cyber world is crawling out, turned out in Indonesia there is no research and data on local internet users. In fact, should the market in the real world, the Internet also has become a lucrative opportunity.

Phrases such as local investment, the global profit rather than a mere opinion rag. Indeed such was the truth. No wonder that many investors were busy-crowded dive into the Internet hoping to follow the success Bill Gates. Similarly, in Indonesia. Despite the already long list of dotcom companies, apparently still many investors are hesitant entry into the dotcom market. Cause, yes it was, there is no research data and local Internet users. "So far we do not know how the profile of Internet users in Indonesia, also the condition of the internet industry here," says researcher Pacific Partners Prima, Ihsanuddin Usman. This ambiguity has made the investors to hold the steps to invest.

That is why, the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Provider (APJII) initiated a survey to describe what the face of Indonesian Internet users. Is Pacifif Partners Prima and McKensey & Company is coupled to conduct the survey. They hope to take pictures with clearly like what dotcom industry trends in Indonesia.

Of course they also hope to businesspeople who enliven the virtual world. Because there are no exact figures to describe the population netter Indonesia, the method used is a convenience method. A total of 1500 respondents who were included were those who actively explore the virtual world. Age range between 15 years to 55 years. There are 10 cities involved, although the largest portion of about 20% of respondents drawn from Jakarta. Other cities, such as Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, Bandung, Makassar, and Medan. Want to pornographic web sites reduced majority of respondents (40%) have been exploring the virtual world for two years. However, there is 1% a month the new surfing experience.

Less than half netter access the Internet for business purposes. It seems to answer the following findings that were the largest Internet access (42%) performed in the cafe. Little different with Internet access through the office (41%). No wonder Internet access are mostly done on a weekday: 74%. Like the hours and hours of busy work in the real world, natural access cyber there is any rush hour. Approximately 33.5% of respondents surf at around 12:00 to 17:00. Despite dotcom stores such as fluttering, there were 12.6% of respondents who do not know that he can conduct transactions via the Internet.

Moreover, only 16.6% of all respondents who had conducted an online transaction. The reason why the netter is not engaged in transactions, because they are not sure of the quality of goods offered, fear of misused credit cards, and some did not have a credit card. Most respondents (79%) apparently does not subscribe to services via the Internet Service Provider (ISP), but 77% answered that someday they are interested in subscribing themselves. What a relief, respondents agreed that the virtual world is an infinite storehouse of information, including opportunities and business information. In the future, the netter Indonesia wants the security and protection of persons internet explorer could be improved.

They also asked that porn sites have decreased, and information that educates and respect for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) should be added. In addition, of course, they want to access and toll costs lowered. In addition to surveying, the researchers also encompass the opinions of discussion dotcom entrepreneurs and practitioners, such as online banking circles. They argue that the netters have not seen online ads, especially ads that are not attractive. Banner is also considered to be too close out the word and not advertising products customized with your site visitors relevant. This all makes online advertising penetration in Indonesia is very slow.

Well, the findings about the dotcom ads that are less interested they were managed by cold. "Advertisers have to be creative," said Wibowo Gunawan, CEO For example, by paying anyone who clicks the ad, as did Klikduit. Understandably, online advertising has benefits valued image can be interactive and not from the cost of print but the number of people who clicked.

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