China Business Know How

Posted by: algooth Putranto on: May 27, 2008
• In: book review

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Title: The Chinese Tao of Business
Secrets of Success and Excellence Chinese Entrepreneur Business Strategy
Author: George T. Haley, Usha CV Haley and Chin Tiong Tan
Issue: PT Mizan Publika, February 2008
Thickness: 434 pages

For me a book on Taoist philosophy of this style of business was attractive after devouring a la Sun Tzu strategy of war. Understand it is the adherents of the teachings of Sun Tzu's Tao which focuses on the principle of balance of Yin and Yang.
The founder of Taoism was Lao Tsu (born 604 BCE) and then proceed 'Chuang Tzu'. The teachings of Taoism can be found in the book Tao of Tea Ching,, Chuang-Tzu, Huai-nan-tzu and Lieh-tzu.
Trio author George T. Haley, Usha CV Haley and Chin Tiong Tan tried to peek secrets of business success of Chinese entrepreneurs are found to be reliable thanks to the principle balance.
But the author did not direct the third dive on the principle of Tao and instead invites the reader an adventure in the minds of Chinese such as Confucius, Lao Tsu, Meng-tzu, Mo Tzu, Yang Chu until Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.
The essence of Taoism penjejahan is based on the principle of natural, harmonious and consistent follow the nature of nature. This teaching is growing and becoming one with life and culture that influence the mindset of Chinese, traditional Chinese arts and sciences.

Do not stop there, the three authors takes readers even further on the notion of modern Chinese reformers al Hong Xiuquan, Kang Youwei, Chen Duxiu, Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong, of course.
By inviting the reader through the thought that developed in China, the assumption that business systems are different from the Chinese community in ways the West will be more easily imagined.
Western society it will understand why Chinese businessmen do not care about many problems of Western-style rules that bind such as intellectual property rights and an intricate system of labor.
In short, the 434 page thick book is the author wanted to emphasize if 'want to do business with the Chinese community to try this method and philosophy of Chinese style of doing business'.
Bak Sun Tzu's principles of war. Know your enemy. If you want to conquer the battlefield learn Chinese business culture. If viewed in the perspective of Yin and Yang. By studying this book, business people are invited to find the element of balance.
The third author should be recognized energy is quite large in the preparation of this book because in addition to research libraries are also doing some in-depth interviews with executives.
From a number of interviews that shows how the steps taken by businesses to survive amid fierce business in mainland China. Bak martial world, executives must always hone science.
It's just to be able to successfully do business with the necessary courage to start a business. There is a simile in Taoism, which reads "We will not be able to understand the sweetness of a grain of sugar just by reading a book that tells the story of sugar." Good start doing business

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